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Hej! I like to work with motion, digital and print design. I am based in Stockholm and currently studying Swedish in the mornings.

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“I enjoy living a stoic life. Spending time wisely. Reading, exercising, practicing hobbies and spending time with your favourite people. I study concept art, figure drawing and 2D-Animation. In August I have daily Swedish lessons at SFI in the morning . Sometimes I also enjoy bubbles and going out dancing. I am working freelance in the the afternoons so let's work together.”

Check out SAVE for motion
Shane Rein

Designer and Art Direction.

Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

Contact. +46 (0) 72 304 0828

Sveavägen 52


Om du går från Sveavägen 52 till Odenplan och och föredrar att gå i lugn och ro finns en bakgata som börjar på höger sida om Adolf Fredriks kyrka.